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Personal Development and Mental Wellbeing Scheme


At Mount Tamar we aspire for our pupils to have a desire to use all their abilities to achieve and be everything that they possibly can. In promoting this we are encouraging pupils to learn what their qualities are giving them the opportunity to develop an understanding of who they truly are. This is vitally important as this will open up opportunities and give them a purpose to life, one that is filled with fulfilment. We create an environment that is safe for our pupils to try new experiences allowing pupils to see that failure is not something to fear and is an opportunity to learn.


How this will be delivered:

  • Growth mindset (developing resilience and ‘stickability’)
  • Language that promotes the outcome not being the sole purpose but more the process
  • Restorative approaches
  • Employability curriculum
  • Work experiences
  • Pivotal and PACE approaches
  • Positive Behaviour Support strategies
  • Problem solving real life situations
  • Mental wellbeing lessons
  • A culture that builds independence in everything
  • Develop staff understanding of the growth mindset- importance-long term
  • Teaching strategies that promote problem solving, independence, visual scaffolds, independent learning
  • Opportunities to sabotage- allow them to get it wrong in a safe environment
  • Promoting gentle challenge and window of tolerance-slowly slowly extending it in order for them to grow
  • Talkabout sessions
  • ‘My Life and Resilience’ sessions
  • Promoting a sense of belonging


The impact on our pupils:

  • Raises self esteem
  • Pupils who  accept themselves and others as they are
  • Pupils who are not fearful of things that are different or unknown
  • Pupils that will give things a go regardless of the outcome
  • Pupils who have a strong sense of personal ethics and responsibility
  • Pupils who see the  journey towards achieving a goal is just as important and enjoyable as actually accomplishing the goal- having delight in the experience
  • They enjoy applying their problem-solving skills to real-world situations
  • Pupils who are resilient in learning, relationships and future jobs
  • Pupils who are aware of things they can do to positively affect their mental wellbeing