What's cooking at Prospect?
Prospect’s young people working hard in the kitchen. Today’s lesson was creating a healthy breakfast by baking banana muffins. I bet they tasted amazing
Here you'll find some of the great things that have happened in the very recent, and not so recent, history of our amazing school.
For Careers news, or news about Careers Events, go to either the Calendar or to the Careers Events page.
Prospect’s young people working hard in the kitchen. Today’s lesson was creating a healthy breakfast by baking banana muffins. I bet they tasted amazing
Here is our school newsletter with some of the recent highlights from school life.
Councillor Terri Beer visited our school.
The staff had great fun recording this.
Here is our school newsletter with some of the recent highlights from school life.
Here is our school newsletter with some of the recent highlights from school life.
Important message from Plymouth Local Authority regarding COVID testing
Here is our school newsletter with some of the recent highlights from school life.
Best ever exam results well done Year 11- click here
Here is our school newsletter with some of the recent highlights from school life.
Here is our school newsletter with some of the recent highlights from school life.
Here is our school newsletter with some of the recent highlights from school life.