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Year 7 Catch Up Premium

Year 7 Catch up Premium.

In 2016- 2017, Mount Tamar School was allocated £4,500 in funding as part of the Year 7 Catch up initiative. Year 7 catch up funding provides an additional £500 for every student who has not met expected standards in English/ or maths at Key Stage 2. This funding aims to help these students to catch up with their peers funding their peers during their first year in the school.

How we spent the allocation of funds during 2016-2017

The strategies employed during the year included:

Staffing support to enable:

Small group teaching

1:1 support


Literacy Intervention Programme

Accelerated Reader Programme

HTLA Support

Training TLA’s in Precision Training

Purchase of Physical classroom resources and targeted text books including dictionaries.

What effect the expenditure had on the attainment of students at Mount Tamar for whom it was allocated:

In English, of the 7 students who were part of this target group, 4 students made outstanding plus progress,  4 students made outstanding progress and 1 made good progress.

In Maths, of the  students who were apart of this target group, 6 students made outstanding plus progress , 1 made outstanding progress, 1 made good progress and 1 was less than good.

One student will remain part of the target group next year.

How we assessed the effect on attainment:  Attainment was measured through teacher assessment of their levels.

How we plan to spend the current academic years allocation:

Allocations will be based on the January 2017 census and calculated in February 2017 with payments made to schools in February 2017.

It is intended that alongside the interventions of last year, we will also:

Increase the focus on year 7 1:1 support in numeracy

Purchase of additional Non Fiction low level Accelerated Reading Books

Purchase of additional coloured overlays

Purchase additional mini whiteboards

Purchase new assessment materials for group intervention sessions

Target the use of TLA’s to support catch up students in lessons

Other interventions will be implemented over the course of the year to meet the needs of the target group.