Admissions Policy
The admission procedure for any pupil being considered for Mount Tamar School is designed in a way to ensure that everyone concerned makes the best possible decision for the pupil. All pupils have a Educational Health Care Plan, or are in the process of drawing one up. Pupils will be between the ages of 4 – 16 years on admission.
The Stages of the Admissions Procedure:
- A draft Statement of Educational Need is received by the school from the Plymouth referral panel requesting us to consider the pupil for possible admission. Admissions are not restricted to a traditional September entry.
- At this point as much information on the pupil as possible is gathered. The child will also be observed wherever possible in the current placement. A risk assessment will be drawn up.
- If it is felt that Mount Tamar is an appropriate placement Parents/Guardians, Pupils and any involved agencies are invited to visit and discuss the suitability of placement with the SENDCo or Headteacher and to look around the school. Such a visit will include Drake's House where that is thought to be appropriate.
- If a place is available and everyone is agreed on the suitability of the referral, the Local Authority is informed.
- Parents will be given a copy of the Mount Tamar Home School Agreement and will have the opportunity to discuss it with a member staff.
- An Individual Learning Plan is then developed to aid a smooth start to the school. This may initially include at a part-time tame table.
- It is hoped that a new student will be introduced to a “buddy” to help with his induction.
Exceptions to this procedure will naturally occur arising from individual circumstances.
Parents and Guardians are, naturally, welcome to visit at any time.
Key Staff: Rachel Hayes, SENDCo.